Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Land Ethic - A discussion on Aldo Leopold's excerpt


Quote 1: "Conservation is a state of harmony between man and land."

I completely agree with this statement. Although I don't believe we should live in a world void of buildings and technology. We should definitely find a happy medium so that we don't destroy all of the world's habitats. Even though I don't believe that is likely due to the fact that a lot of the world's wonders are nature-based.

Quote 2:"Science has given us many doubts, but it has given us at least one certainty: the trend of evolution is to elaborate and diversify biota."

I'm not sure where this author got this information from. Not only does he not provide a source for this information, he makes a scientific claim without backing up his beliefs. Of course everything we know about science can have some doubt but, for the most part science has been able to explain several phenomena that has helped us realize the importance of nature. If science has given us many doubts then why is it that the author keeps discussing food pyramids, food chains, and evolution. Everything the author believes in that has any scientific foundation is without a "doubt" true and worthy of much attention. I believe the author is a bit biased towards his beliefs and I'm not sure why he made a statement like this.

Quote 3:"Agricultural Science is largely a race between the emergence of new pests and the emergence of new techniques for their control."

I'm not sure why pest control is such a big issue. Why would we let mosquitoes and other insects/animals like them harm us? That just makes no sense to me. I don't know what pests do for the environment but if they harm us and hurt our species, why is it so wrong to find ways to control them? Species of plants and animals find ways to keep out of harms way by either having poisonous skin or venomous fangs. Why can't humans use technology and intelligence as their tools for keeping out of harms way and advancing themselves? From my knowledge, all animals mostly have the same goal, it is to live long enough to reproduce and populate the earth. Why can't humans have a goal of their own? Why must we be altruistic, warm and kind when other species can be so unforgiving?

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